Monday, May 28, 2012

Emir Dokku Abu Usman calls on Russia's Muslims to join Jihad

22 May 2012

Emir of the Caucasus Emirate, Dokku Abu Usman, appealed to Russia's Muslims to go for the Jihad. The KC offers an English transcript of the video speech by CE Emir translated by the Kavkaz-Jihad Blog.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Praise be to Allah.

Dear brothers and sisters, Muslims of the Islamic Ummah.

Dear brothers and sisters, Muslims of Russia and the Caucasus, we, the Caucasus Mujahideen, address to you today with the Islamic greeting.

We address to you from the unconquered mountains of the Caucasus.

We sincerely want you to know that we love you for the sake of Allah, that we are staging the Jihad in the Caucasus, only to elevate the word of Allah on this earth.

Dear brothers and sisters in Russia, we address you in particular. Today, by the grace of Allah, we've got to know the joy of the Jihad. Allah granted us the Jihad.

We also know that the Jihad is the best medicine for all diseases and ailments of our Ummah.

And so, as we got to know this mercy, we call on to you to join the Jihad.

Do not be insensitive and indifferent to the events that occur today in the Caucasus.

Here, in the Caucasus, your brothers and sisters in religion are being killed. Look, every week, peaceful Muslim civilians are killed in the Caucasus. On the Judgment Day, each of us will stand before Allah, and everyone will be asked about his actions, everyone will have to answer for what he has done to help these unfortunate people.


Therefore, dear Muslim brothers and sisters in Russia, we call on you to join the Jihad. By Allah, the Jihad today is a mercy from Allah.

I swear by Allah that what we are doing today is for Allah's sake, we will see [the reward for] it on the Judgment Day.

I also want to address to the oppressors, who unleashed this war in the Caucasus, to Putin and his gang of oppressors who kill our brothers and sisters.

The father of this young Mujahid (who is standing behind Amir Dokku Abu Usman in the video - KC) started [this] Jihad with me 18 years ago. Today, he replaced his father, tomorrow he will be replaced by his son, Insha'Allah.

You will not take the Mujahideen away from the world, from the Muslims of the Caucasus. You (oppressors) will not deprive us of our will for victory and our independence.

Therefore, all you are doing today is meaningless and will bring no results for you, Insha'Allah.

And victory will be ours, and we will, Insha'Allah, establish the Sharia in the Caucasus.

To conclude my message, I want to address a prayer to Allah:

Oh Allah, grant victory to the Muslims who seek Victory for Thy religion.
Oh Allah, grant us steadfastness and patience, and strengthen our feet.
Oh Allah, show this Ummah the right path, on which the obedient to Thee Will will be exalted, and the disobedient to Thee will be humiliated.
Oh Allah, make us enjoin the approved and blame the disapproved.

Finally, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)!

Allahu Akbar!


Kavkaz Center

Source: Kavkaz Center.

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